Monday, November 06, 2006

I think it's funny

Call me a sadistic bastard, but I think this is a funny story.

Careful kiddies, the Catholics were right! Nudity can kill!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Welcome to... 'Movember!'

That's right facial hair fans, it's Movember again. The one month of the year we can celebrate our ability to grow fuzzy stuff on our upper lip.

Join me, brothers (and sisters - if you dare!) in the revolution. Let's reclaim the bad porno moustache!

That is all.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Cool Mac Stuff

Hi Mac fans.

Here are two little freeware apps (courtesy of that will coolify your Mac heaps.

SizzlingKeys lets you control iTunes with hotkeys even when it is hidden. If like me your computer is your stereo, this will revolutionize your life.

BackLight is awesome. It lets you have a screen saver as your desktop. Think of the possibilities Jerry!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

We suck

This is scary/sad/unsurprising to me.
(courtesy of I, Asshole)

And I kind of agree with I, Asshole - why do we bother with models at all?

Great production though...

Monday, October 09, 2006

Pendulum Swung

Over the weekend there was a new story about a Year Nine girl who was failed for refusing to complete an assignment that asked students to imagine they were the only heterosexual living in a colony of homosexuals.

(Full version)
Short version:

A 13-YEAR-OLD student was failed after she refused to write an assignment on life in a gay community, because of her religious and moral beliefs.

The girl was among a class of 13 and 14-year-olds asked to imagine living as a heterosexual among a mostly homosexual colony on the moon as part of their health and physical education subject.

They had to answer 10 questions, including how they felt about being in the minority and what strategies they would use to help them cope.

Sources said the students were told not to discuss the assignment with their parents and that it was to be kept in-class.

They said many of the students were uncomfortable with the subject matter or did not understand the questions.

The 13-year-old girl instantly refused to do the assignment on religious and moral grounds.

"It is against my beliefs and I am not going there," she told the teacher, who responded by failing her.

After a series of discussions between the school and her mother, it was suggested the girl would be better off leaving the state education system and attending an independent school.

She said the school claimed it was powerless to change the curriculum.

Bronwyn said the school seemed more concerned about how parents found out about the assignment.

"That's what concerns me most . . . the parents had no opportunity to even see the assignment," Bronwyn said.

All I can say is, WTF? Find the middle ground people...

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Tree Of Knowledge Dies

Life imitating life?

(Federally at least.)


I just love it when scientists get all methaphory...

This is from a story about an Iceberg in Alaska being split by a storm.

"The iceberg shattered like a gracile wine glass being sung to by a heavy soprano."


Russel Watson Has Brain Tumour


Shit TV

Story from Courier Mail

A QUEENSLAND disability advocacy group yesterday demanded controversial Australian Idol judge Kyle Sandilands be sacked unless he apologised publicly for referring to a contestant as a "mong".

The Down Syndrome Association of Queensland said the use of the term by the shock jock during Sunday's show was offensive and deplorable.
Sandilands referred to Brisbane singer/songwriter Bobby Flynn as a "full mong" while commenting on his performance.

I'd go one step further and say Idol should be banned altogether.

Thursday, September 28, 2006


I read a story yesterday from ABC News Online that highlighted some generational gappyness. Margaret Whitlam attacks Janette Howard, and from what I can see, for nothing more than being a sensible, modern woman.

Here's some quotes:

["There's Howard shaking hands and kissing old ladies in retirement homes. If you've got a wife, your wife should be there too."] Why? I could go into detail here but it would take too long. There are many why's.

[Mrs Whitlam also says it is odd that Prime Minister John Howard and his wife still hold hands.

"For God's sake, they've been married for over 30 years!" she is quoted as saying in Susan Mitchell's Margaret Whitlam: A Biography.
] WTF? What fucking century do we live in? In which reality is holding hands with your lover a bad thing?

[In a speech earlier this year, Mrs Howard said: "It's not an elected position and I feel very strongly that because it's not an elected position - and particularly these days with so many women who are members of parliament - you have a very different role".

"You are not the symbol of the women's voice in Canberra because there are now very many, very talented women who have won seats in their own right and who are doing that," she said at the launch of the Mrs Prime Minister: Public Image, Private Lives exhibition in Canberra.

"But that doesn't stop you from following your own passions and interests and encouraging people in causes that you believe in."
] Finally something sensible.

This isn't about the politics; I'm not going Liberal, I just think Mrs. Whitlam should keep her old-school mouth shut. Of course I haven't actually read the book, so I'm willing to retract if the above quotes are taken out of context, but time will tell.